Tuesday 21 September 2010

Another man has joined the crusade after Justin Bieber has insulted Islam

I am proud to say that another noble brother has joined the cause. Mr Trend has created a blog at http://bieber-bashes-islam.blogspot.com/ which details some of this young idol's catastrophic anti-muslim sentiment. I suggest we burn this young infidel's compact discs. I've heard that some of his discs actually have Danish cartoons in the sleeve notes!


  1. Wow..This is the most Meanest thing ever! i mean i know theres some terrisots but that doesnt mean that all muslims are like that!i have some muslim friends and they are soo cool and peaceful ...


    P.S: so disappointed......

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  4. Fazira tolong jgn taksub sgt dgn JB boleh?
    dia tu pun bukan saja kutuk islam,,dia juga anak patung Illuminati,
